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Ages of Conflict Update

We’ve been a bit quiet lately, (We’ll do a better job of not letting that happen again.) though we’re still moving full steam ahead with Ages of Conflict. Below are some pictures from a couple of recent play tests.

First up are a couple of pictures from a recent play test of a sci-fi battle. Ages of Conflict is multi-genre – one set of rules to cover ancients to the far future, so our sci-fi play tests are validating that the rules work not just for swords and maille, but also for magic, monsters, and tanks with laser cannons.

Sticking with the multi-genre theme, next up is a play test of United States Civil War Confederates versus a force of undead battling over a small town.

We’ve also received quite a bit more artwork for the Historical Supplement courtesy of Miguel Santos. Below are a few samples.

Anglo-Saxon Housecarl
Elamite Archer
New Kingdom Egypt Strong Arm Boy