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I Summon Forth Zemilio! (Also Known as a Review of Rune)

I have a few Kickstarter backed games sitting around that I haven’t gotten around to playing yet, so the other night I opened up a card game that I had just received called Rune by Zemilio Entertainment. With an 11-year old daughter, I try to look for games that I think she’d enjoy playing that do not take an entire evening to finish. Rune seemed to be what I was looking for.

Rune uses cards with different colored rune stones – blue, green, and red. The basic premise is that you want to place your cards to line up as many of the same colored rune stone as possible – the more contiguous rune stones you have, the more points you score. Blue stones are worth one point each, green worth two each, and red worth three each. There are rules governing how you can place your cards.

The meeples serve as rune masters. You place them on the stones to control them, so you have to be careful about where and when you place your rune masters as they cannot be moved and once you have placed all three the game ends.

We enjoyed Rune quite a bit. It’s a quick game that is easy to learn, though contains a good amount of strategy in regard to placing your cards and your rune masters. Though I’m not sure the dog agrees.