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Tactical Units in Ages of Conflict

An important element of Ages of Conflict is customization.  The many empires and kingdoms of the ancient world didn’t organize their armies identically.  They didn’t all adhere to a strict structure as modern armies utilize.

Though there were exceptions. Rome, for example is well-known for its organizational structure of Legion -> Cohorts -> Centuries with a legion consisting of ten cohorts of six centuries each. 

Though Rome wasn’t the norm. It wasn’t until King Gustav II organized the Swedish army into regiments consisting of companies did the various armies of the world begin to standardize.  The armies of the Napoleonic Wars began to settle on a structure that looks quite similar to what many armies use today with divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies.

We want players of Ages of Conflict to have the ability to mimic this organization.  (Or lack thereof.)  To achieve this, we have made the company (Consisting of about 100 men.) the basic tactical unit.  If you want to create an army resembling a mob then you can utilize many individual companies. 

If you want to work with larger tactical units then you simply combine multiple companies.  If you want a tactical unit of 300 warriors, then combine three companies.

Combining six companies gives you the Napoleonic-era equivalent of a battalion.

A nice side-effect of this organization is that you can easily create tactical units with combined arms.

Let us know what you think!