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Ages of Conflict Genres

We chose the name Ages of Conflict as we wanted a name that reflected the multi-genre nature of the game. Ages of Conflict is a rules set that will allow you to play war games of different genres without having to learn a different set of rules for each.

Each genre will be covered in its own book that will include genre-specific rules, background material, and army lists. It is important to note that rules that are introduced in genre books can be used with other genres if desired. We simply made the design decision to introduce certain rules if the situation they represent were not universal.

We will be releasing two genre supplements when we release the Ages of Conflict core rules. The historical supplement will include army lists from ancient times to the Middle Ages. The exact army list composition hasn’t yet been decided (Let us know if you have any suggestions!), though will include most of the popular armies, including Roman, New Kingdom Egypt, Parthians, Indians, Celts, and Normans. Our goal is to include 25 army lists. We’ll include more if resources in the supplement if resources permit, though we also plan on periodically releasing additional army lists on the Ages of Conflict website.

The second genre book that will be released at the same time as the core rules is the fantasy supplement. The fantasy supplement will draw from a world we are crafting. The world lore is included as background material only. You will be free to include, ignore, or craft your own armies as you desire. We will provide army lists from the most popular fantasy tropes, such as dwarfs, elves, orcs, goblins, undead, and ratmen.

The next army book to be released will cover the black powder era of warfare. Army lists will be provided for the Seven Years War, Napoleonic Wars, the American War of Independence, and the American Civil War.

The next genre book will cover World War II. Army lists will be provided for several forces, including the British, Germans, United States, Soviet Union, and Japan.

The final genre book leaps ahead into the unknown future to cover science fiction. As with the fantasy book, background lore will be provided. The sci fi book will include rules for walkers, robots, alien species, and powerful futuristic weapons.

Please let us know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions!