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Kickstarter Launch

Aaaaand we’re off! Took quite a while to get here. Looking back through old documents and notes, the first version of what would one day become Ages of Conflict is dated March 26, 2016. Much different game at that point as the game was still nothing more than a hobby that we’d dabble with occasionally. It wasn’t until two years later, April 5, 2018, that we met to form Bad Goblin Games and take a serious look at game development.

It’s been a crazy few years. Writing. Testing. More writing. More testing. Conventions. (Or lack thereof.) Covid. Hasn’t been easy and sometimes it has been downright trying, though we’re finally here.

We want to reiterate that while the rules are “complete,” we want everyone to be involved. Please be sure to check out the demo copy of the rules and let us know of any questions, suggestions, or comments you have. This is your game!

Thank you, All!

Ages of Conflict on Kickstarter

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New Playmat and Prototype Tokens Have Arrived

The new 6’x4′ playmat and the prototype tokens for Ages of Conflict have arrived. Just in time for this weekend’s play testing.

The playmat is going to help make our photos look outstanding and the tokens are very important pieces to Ages of Conflict game play.

The tokens will be used to designate what order you will be assigning to your units, what formation they are in, and other various things you need to track in Ages of Conflict.

Continue reading New Playmat and Prototype Tokens Have Arrived
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Playtesting Using Tabletop Simulator

Here at Bad Goblin Games, we have been using Tabletop Simulator to playtest games over the internet when we can’t meet face-to-face. This works very well for testing game play multiple times using the same setup. You can construct the virtual table with terrain and miniatures and save it. Then, if you want to use the same setup again, you just reload the saved game.

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Ancient City Con

Join the Bad Goblin Horde for fun and games at Ancient City Con this September 7 – 9! We will be wearing our new logo but will not be demonstrating any of our games. Our mission this year is to find local artists who may illustrate our next game. There looks like a lot of talented artists signed up for the Artist Alley.

Once our mission is accomplished, you will find us enjoying other people’s games in the d20 GameSpot Game Room. After all, all work and no play will make us all very grumpy goblins.

We would love to meet you! Look for our logo and say hi to a Bad Goblin while you game at the Con.

Ancient City Con 2018 will be held on September 7-9, 2018 at the World Golf Village Renaissance St. Augustine Resort, St. Augustine, Florida.