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Playtesting Using Tabletop Simulator

Here at Bad Goblin Games, we have been using Tabletop Simulator to playtest games over the internet when we can’t meet face-to-face. This works very well for testing game play multiple times using the same setup. You can construct the virtual table with terrain and miniatures and save it. Then, if you want to use the same setup again, you just reload the saved game.

Undead advancing on Elves

There is a vast assortment of miniatures, terrain, dice, tiles, and other items available in the Steam Workshop for Tabletop Simulator. These items have been made by other Steam users and can be imported into the game. If you share your game in the Workshop, please give credit to the creator for each item you use.

We started off with just a basic table and simple miniatures and terrain. The more we learned to use Tabletop Simulator, the more elaborate our testing table has become. Below is a list of some of the content we have used in our Ages of Conflict testing.

Better Notecards by: int | bada

These notecards have multiple pages, supports BBCode, can be locked, and many other features.

Tokens, Tiles, and Stands Set by: ThatRobHuman

Ages of Conflict uses several types of tokens. This mod has several token types that are customizable.

3D number tokens by: HourEleven

Number tokens that can be used to mark units, notecards, and just about anything else.

The Kraken Table by: Lily

A big table with drawers that can store items when closed.

Bary’s Terrain Tiles by: Baryonyx

A large selection of tiles that can be used to build several terrain types for a playing surface.

Black Powder Realscale by: Baryonyx

A full-sized table with all the miniatures and buildings needed to play a Black Powder game.

Dice Tray by: Kendo353

Great for keeping dice from knocking over miniatures when rolled.